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Future Uncertain?

The predictions of a summer from 'Hell' for Victoria this year will most likely cause some panic among the wine industry over the coming months. The scarcity of winter rains so far will also be of some concern as stressed vines struggle to cope with little water and extreme temperatures this summer. We all cross our fingers that firstly, everyone's safety is our first concern  but also, we get to experience an awesome 2010 vintage.

Liquor License Freeze

Melbourne's world class restaurant and pub scene will stay as is at least for the next couple of years as competition will be halted as a result of Liquor Licensing Victoria freeze on new applications. With the recent and dare say, continuing violence culminating in last weekend's bashing of a police officer, Melbourne has been placed in the spotlight. We all enjoy our alcohol and without being too forward, a constant state of alcohol fuelled individuals will only lead to mass hysteria and ultimately an ever increasing violent aspect to our city. And yes - to shake ones head at such thuggery seems reasonable, I know that I will be one of many people who will appreciate the wonders of wine, beer and single malt whiskies (that's for me) among other beverages tonight in the confines of a relaxed environment that Melbourne seems to lack at the moment.